Friday, October 08, 2004


later in the day, when the initial spurts of enerygy wane
my thoughts drift to you

a tide pushing me closer to a familiar shore

but i long for the sea.
the promise of adventure strong in my mind
the lure of the waves and other tides steeped by years of longing
as if in waiting for that year-end holiday to come
when i did nothing but prepare all year
rum-thickened fruitcake
to pass around

but this tide is a welcome, warmly given, if not received.
i am grounded, finally
no longer lost among the waves
which is a hazard for creatures who run the tide's course
and live for the swirling moment.

the ground, this sand,
it's not as dry as it seems, this flesh-colored roughness
it clings, asking to join me in wandering
irritating though, like a pack of beggars
yet time is counted by it,
and the more i linger, the more stick to my body.

i try to swim away,
but you are alluring, enticing
the salty taste in my mouth is no longer.
only a longing to taste you.
your sweetness,
the sound of your laughter.
the dry smoothness of your skin is beguiling
not so slippery as to become memory
not wet or dank as to run through my fingers.

i am wont to linger
yet the tide calls