Monday, February 23, 2004


Dear Intoy,

When you grow up and start having friends of your own, and start dealing with other people in different situations and environments, always remember one thing: Be true to yourself. Never --- NEVER, compromise what you believe in.

NEVER compromise what you are. Be proud of who you are and never let anybody talk you down. You are who you are and you should be proud of it. It doesn't matter what other people think --- what do they know? What matters is that you know who you are, you are happy with what you are and the experiences that have helped shape you in what you've become, and that you have what it takes to express what you feel, not backing down, not compromising your principles.

Be true to yourself and always stick up for what you believe in. Never allow anyone to talk you down, nor let anyone to dictate your actions, your words, your principles. Your road is the road that you decide to take. Choose your own path and be responsible for your actions.

Above all, Never lie to nor doubt yourself. Do not let yourself be lulled into false philosophies and ways of thinking --- such ideas can only come from people who are intent in enriching themselves through your efforts. They are parasites that mean to suck your life out and they are done with you, leave your carcass on the gutter for the dogs to fight over. Be strong and never sway to any music except your heartsong.

Be aware of your actions and always be conscientious in action. As you must be strong, so must you be kind. Express your will, your creativity, your desire and emotions in the most colorful and most dynamic ways possible. But never impose your will on anyone. Each person is unique as you are unique, and they have every right to be as unique and creative as you.

When you grow up, always remember that the experiences that you encounter are the very things that help shape you into whatever person you become. Therefore you must relish each experience and put to heart the lessons sown from these experiences, for they will become part of who you are and be the cornerstones of your character and principles. You must be strong for only in yourself, can you find the strength to live. No one can live your life for you.

When you grow up, you must never stop caring. When you grow up, you must always smile. When you grow up, you will have the knowledge and the song of the spheres to guide you. Use them to teach others of the lessons of your life, and the great and magnificent people who have come before you.

But first....

.... please wipe off all that make-up on your face and take off Ate's miniskirt and Mama's shoes. It's too early for you to be experimenting, boy. When you're a little bigger, then we'll talk, and perhaps, if you are still resolute in mind, I will teach you the ways of becoming truly free, truly yourself.


Kuya Spartacus.

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