Wednesday, January 28, 2004


If there were a moment that I would be hesitant, that I would shrink away from, hiding in a corner, facing that intersection of two blank walls, now would be that moment.

You have beguiled me. You have trapped me in crystal. I am slave to your smile, to your voice. In the realms of touch, sight and taste, in thought, in dream, in timelessness, in the realm of shadow and light, in the realm of reason and emotion, you beset my peace. You have trapped me, taking away my breath, holding it in your white slender hands. And in that cusp of half-living, half-dying, in anticipation and in dread, I can see your eyes eternal and beautiful.

I am scattered to the four winds, torn apart by the dogs of war and despair, rent to pieces by the vultures of the plains. Yet in pain, the light that you shine envelops me. In torment, your touch is warm and comforting. In emptiness, the winds whisper your name. The night is fragrant with the sound of your song.

I have kissed you. I have touched you. I have held you in my arms in the crook of midnight. I alone stand in the heat of your embrace. I alone will not burn black in the fire of your passion. I will walk the flames and offer my ashes in votive adoration of love.

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