Friday, December 02, 2005

A Little Dawn

a little dawn and then
the stars winked out one by one
leaving the dimming night
to cloak in blankets of baby blue
wispy cotton clouds for their pillows

hastily, i creep along
thumbing my nose at the now-dawning day
the crowning of light

no sun over the line yet
the dawn peels away the dregs of night,
that a rabid tingling begins
at the top of my scalp
running down my body, down my neck, shoulders
to the back of my thighs

the cool wind, a chill.

as dawn runners zip by in a sweat
it dawns on me
that dawn is you waiting.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

reviewing the remains of the day.

i've got my work cut out for me and i've spent more time that what i should actually be spending working on it.

editing the work of wordsmiths who indulge in their passion for poetry can be a catch-22. where do you start mouthing the oaths and remaining true to your editorial oath? the crux of the problem is that these poets are more learned than i am. i just happened to be copyediting the content they wrote for their site.

man, it looks ugly. but that's how copy looks like when it's been laid out in the sun long enough. soon, the wrinkles around the eyes begin to show, creases become more pronounced. a third person's point of view is always damning. in this case, damnable. how do i contend with editing their content? knowing how some writers may feel, i could be redlining a lot of lines feverishly carved out of pure passion. writing IS a solitary art. no one should be so lucky as to edit the work of the introspect.

nearly finished with my site review. complained briefly to my project manager. she smiles in a ym sort of way and says that she understands and she'll try to explain the collateral damage. but, be prepared for righteous vindication (simple indignation may be a tad too weak a recourse).

no kidding.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


.... nganu buwak man ni akong header image?
rediscovering music of the spheres.

i met an old friend of mine from elementary and told him about this blog, and how i've written a few articles about some local bands. man... it's been a while since i've written anything at all!!! :(

should look him up one of these days... wake up this blog before it reeks of online mildew....

john campbell, thanks for the title.